Conversations Connect Communities

Wanganet Cafe

Sharing knowledge

Our Apprentices answer questions of the Silver Warriors about Facebook, how to send a text, forward photos, emails and the many other technical challenges they may have, all the while punctuating this with conversations about their lives. VCAL Apprentices have the opportunity to practise their hospitality skills by making coffee, tea, cakes and biscuits for our participants. Refreshments are served and everyone has a lovely time.

Image Gallery

Our Silver Warriors attend sessions hosted by our Apprentices at a local secondary school, where intergenerational connections are created through skill sharing sessions and warm conversations about their life experiences.

See Us in Action

Our Silver Warriors recently had the opportunity to learn new skills and gain an understanding of some of the latest digital technology from our Apprentices. After our learning sessions, the VCAL students delighted participants with their hospitality.

Apprentices loved taking the Silver Warriors through the many applications. One even remarked, that chatting to the Silver Warriors about the subject, was the highlight of his school year.

Wanganet Cafe Programme

How to Get Involved

To find out more about our Wanganet Cafe Programme, to become a sponsor or to volunteer your services call us on 0403 391 538 or send us an email to We have activities that offer intergenerational programmes for schools and intergenerational programmes for aged care in communities throughout Victoria.